Članstvo v mednarodnih odborih

Vabilo k prijavi

Člani ICOM Slovenija imajo med drugim možnost aktivnega mednarodnega sodelovanja znotraj ICOM mednarodnih odborov. Prejeli smo prijazen poziv k oddaji prijav za sodelovanje v različnih odborih. Vabljeni k pregledu spodnjega vabila in k prijavi.


Dear NCs colleagues,

I hope you are well,

The 32 International Committees bring together experts of museum specialties and join an International Committee is one of the ICOM members benefit. ( member benefits )

National Committees are handling membership and eligibility of new members and can be really helpful in reminding and/or inviting members to join an International Committee.

Members can join or change ICs at any time in a simple way:

By filling out the membership form when they are a new member.

By going through their IRIS memberspace: they can directly modify their main International Committee and their Committees of Interest.

In order to simplify this process and make it more accessible, we invite you to publish on your websites and newsletters the link to the IRIS personal space:


Please also note that members also have the possibility to update their email via this personal space.

In order to have a brief presentation of the ICs, and a link to their website, you can refer the members to this webpage:

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Best regards